behavior modification

Please take a moment to read through our general facts section of this page.

general facts

  • Our Behavior Modification Program is a rehabilitation program for dogs with severe behavioral issues such as: dog or people aggression, anxiety of any kind, severe dog reactivity, and resource guarding of any kind.

    • This program is for dogs with severe behavioral issues that are impacting the way the dog and owner live. This program is not for dogs with common bad habits.

      • For example: This program is not for dogs who steal food off of the counter, bolt out of the front door, jump the fence in the backyard, ect.

    • We will list some examples of severe behavioral issues below:

      • A dog that has a bite record: on a human, child, or dog

      • Severe aggression towards a human, child, or dog.

      • The dog completely shutdowns in public settings: shakes, will not move, will try to flee, acts as if it is having a panic attack.

      • Dog or people reactivity

      • Resource guarding of any food, treat, toy, person, house, household object, dog’s space, a human’s space, ect.

      • Severe separation anxiety that puts the dog’s safety at risk due to the dog’s behaviors.

    • These are just SOME examples, these are not the only examples for severe behavioral issues.

    • If you feel your dog may need our behavioral modification program, please give us a call so we can talk with you about your dog and the issues you are having.

  • in order for our Behavioral Modification Program to be successful, and for us to be able to help you and your dog, you must first meet with one of our trainers so that the trainer can evaluate the following:

    • Identify what the specific behavioral concern is

    • Understand when the behavior is triggered, what happens during a triggered episode, and what happens after an episode.

    • Learn more about your dog’s daily life, environment, and relationship with their handler and family.

    After understanding these important facts, the trainer will be able to direct you to the best package option (Private Lessons or the Board & Train) and provide you with a custom rehabilitation and behavior management plan.

  • Our program is a rehabilitation program, and we call it a rehabilitation program because, just like with any rehab program, it takes hard work and dedication to maintain success.

    Successful behavioral rehabilitation is dependent upon several factors that determine when/if the issues become manageable. These factors include but are not limited to:

    • How long the behavior has existed.

    • The type of behavioral concern it is.

    • The severity of the behavior.

    • The consistency in which the owner applies the training protocols.

    • Genetic predispositions

    • Medical issues

    We do not provide a guarantee that your dog’s behavioral issue will become non-existent. But we can say that with our program and the owner’s commitment to the program, your dog’s behavioral issue will be able to be managed in a way that both you and your dog can live a better, more peaceful lifestyle.

lesson program

  • The Behavioral Modification Private Lesson Program takes the dog and owner through a step-by-step behavioral modification course that is tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

    This private lesson program is ideal for owners who have time to dedicate to the teaching part of the process.

    Some dogs may be more successful learning separate from the owner initially. In this case, we may recommend a board & train to get started. We will be able to help determine what package is the best fit for you and your dog during a consultation.

    *Please be mindful that there will be a large amount of commitment & consistency required from the owner regardless of the training package selected.

    • 16 1-hour Private Lessons

      • 6-10 of those lessons will focus directly on the behavioral trigger.

      • We reserve 4 lessons for muzzle conditioning. If muzzle conditioning isn’t necessary for your dog, we will use these lessons to address other behavior concerns.

    • A consultation so your trainer can devise your dog’s specific behavioral modification training plan.

    • E-Collar

    • Treat Training Pouch

    • Long Leash

    • Slip Leash

    • Come

    • Extended Sit

    • Place

    • Heel

    • Extended Down

    • Muzzle Conditioning (if necessary)

    • Written Plan for your dog’s structured daily routine

    • FREE access to our monthly Pack Walks

  • This program is designed for dogs aged 6 months and older.

    We require that dogs are up to date on all annual vaccinations, rabies, bordetella, heart-worm prevention, and flea/tick prevention prior to entering our facility.

    If your dog is below 6 months of age and displaying behavioral issues, please contact us immediately.

  • This program is $2,100.

  • Absolutely! You can add lessons on a lesson-by-lesson basis, or buy an extended lesson pack.

board and train program

  • The Behavioral Modification Board and Train Program is a 4-6-week rehabilitation board and train for dogs with behavioral issues where the dog will live in the trainer’s personal home and receive the trainer’s undivided attention to address and rehab the behavioral issue.

    The Board and Train is a good option for owners who have a very busy lifestyle, work schedule, or both. It is for those owners who feel they are unable to actively participate in the teaching process for their dog and will not be able to practice and remain consistent at home if they chose to do lessons instead.

    Please be mindful that their will still be a large amount of commitment, learning, and consistency required on the owner’s part in order to ensure the dog’s success.

    • 3 Weeks of an Intensive Rehabilitation program in your trainer’s home.

    • Please go HERE To review our General Board and Train Facts so you will know specific details about the Board and Train.

    • Free consultation so your trainer can devise your dog’s specific behavioral modification training plan.

    • Slip Leash

    • Training Treat Pouch

    • Clicker

    • E-Collar or Prong Collar (tool selection is dependent upon your dog’s need)

    • Muzzle (if needed)

    • Come

    • Sit

    • Place

    • Heel

    • Down

    • Release Command

    • Correction Command

    • Written Daily Structure Routine

    • 3 required follow-up sessions, after training, with your dog and trainer

    • Lifetime FREE refreshers

    • 10% off any item from our store.

    • FREE access to our monthly Pack Walks

  • This program is designed for dogs aged 6 months and older.

    We require that all dogs are up to date on all vaccines including the Bordetella vaccine. Your dog must have a current Rabies vaccine and be on a Heartworm and Flea/Tick Preventative.

  • This program is $4,800.

real dogs

trained by ak9ta.

Xena is a German Shepherd who had fear-related human aggression. Click here to view Xena’s full transformation video. The video below contains content from our old logo. Please do not be alarmed by the different branding.

Murphy is a Golden-Doodle who struggled with fear based reactivity